Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Final Reflection

       Looking back on my work, I am glad I chose to do a independent study relating to world art because doing the research about each of the cultures was just as interesting as creating an actual piece. I started off with the Turkish-Aboriginal Ceramic plate which was one of the more successful projects I have done. I enjoyed this project a lot because it gave me a chance to do something different involving a mixture of two cultures. Also, I enjoyed doing ceramic painting because I haven't had much experience with it, and the result turned out to be really well.
     My Caribbean mixed media painting was not as successful and took a much shorter process. What I could have done differently was to use a different perspective when painting the piece; rather than making the art be a more "primitive" type of piece that reflected traditional island culture, I could have done something more elaborate to show how the mixture of influences played out in Caribbean art. Although there are some aspects of this piece that I did like, such as the color palette, I thought it wasn't my best work.I felt like for this piece, I had a better understanding of the culture through research, rather than the artwork itself.
     The Huichol Yarn art was my best piece in my opinion, and took me the longest to create. I felt like I did my research equally as well as my art piece. I enjoyed making this piece too because while the basic guidelines were there, it gave me a lot of freedom to choose colors, patterns, and design, which was beneficial to help me understand the culture behind the artwork.
     Overall, I thought my independent study was interesting and enjoyable; the art pieces that weren't the most successful have taught me that mistakes are a natural part of the process. I am really glad I chose to do this independent study about world art because I wouldn't get a chance to research and create art pieces with my own freedom in many other places.